Giving your time

This is a personal message to you, as you sit reading this at your computer or on a piece of paper. Do not go afterwards and forget or simply do nothing, because there are treasures stored here by God just for you to enjoy – for now and for all of time.

Your time is perhaps the most precious gift you can give to the life of the church and the people in the local community that we seek to serve. There are so many ways to do this that there is room for absolutely everyone to contribute. We have seen our mission grow more and more in recent years and this has been achieved through individuals recognising the gifts that God has given to them and then seeking to bless others by using these gifts in service to the needy and to the work of the church in general. As much as we have given in this way we have been rewarded tenfold in gratitude, love, fellowship, people, resources and – yes – even money! There can be no better feeling than to know that you are giving with a servant heart – just as Jesus did.

If you are not sure of your own gifts then you might just not be using them properly!  You can be a part of this and below are some of the ways you can give time and receive blessings in abundance:

You can fill in a Many Hands form to say what time you can offer, and what kind of things you can do

Winter Night Shelter 

We serve others by setting up the beds, cooking and serving meals, talking and playing games with our guests, keeping watch overnight, cooking and serving breakfast, clearing up and washing sheets ready for the next week! The experiences we have had have been transforming for all involved and the church in general. Speak to Jacqui about how you can be involved in this work.

Stewarding and Welcoming 

We work hard to welcome all visitors to our church. This means making sure we are aware of and helpful to newcomers. Stewarding at church is one way of doing this and can involve welcoming at the door with service sheets and a smile, helping with the collection, stewarding during services and serving tea and coffee. Speak to Jacqui or James about helping with this work.

Music, Reading or Technical Support 

We are keen to encourage musicians to join our band or the choir or those with ‘techie’ skills to help with sound and projection systems. We also welcome people who wish to do readings at our services. Speak to Helen about music, Alison about tech, or Jacqui about reading if these are your gifts


St Dunstan’s is famed for its food for special events. If you are a foodie and want to be part of organising meals for banquets, festivals and courses then speak to Sue who will tell you how you can take part.

Gardening & Cleaning

This is a never ending job just as it is at home! Keeping our churchyard tidy and attractive is a way of serving the local people who pass through and those who use the church weekly or for special events such as weddings and funerals. We also run regular working days for the church and gardens so look out for the notices and join in with the fellowship as you dig and dust! If you are beyond heavy work but can make a cup of tea then come along and do that! Speak to Lesley for details.

Decorating the church for special occasions

We are blessed with some wonderfully creative people who decorate the church for special occasions with candles and amazing flower displays. Why not join in and develop your own creative talents.

Toddler Group

This group has been running on Friday mornings for several years. It is a valuable service to young mums and tots. You can help by setting up or clearing up, serving tea and children’s drinks, singing, crafts, playing or talking. Now who can’t do one of those? Speak to Alison or Esther

Sunday Club

We have a thriving Sunday Club for children from primary school age. This is a massive investment in the church and a very important part of our mission. All materials are provided for leading children in small groups. If this could be a strength of yours then speak to Rosanna or Esther about how you can become involved.

Youth Work

Our 4TL group is growing in numbers and vitality. We have great leaders already but they would welcome more support in helping our children to mature towards young adult Christians. Everything from music to discussing those awkward questions – and maybe even camping! Speak to Manori or Atlanta

Events & Courses

We run regular events and courses at St Dunstan’s – everything from our Alpha Banquet and Alpha Course to the Marriage and parenting Children / Teenagers Courses and then our Christmas Fair and Arts and Crafts Festival. There are many roles you could fill whether leading on a course or working in support. Speak to Jon or Manori


This is just a selection of the ways in which you can become more involved in the life of this vibrant church community. There are many other ways in which you can help and if you know of something not listed here then speak to Jon or Tony so they can help you to find a way of serving that best suits you.